
Simplicity is bliss


Wallflower is a free piece of software that will automatically change your desktop background at a set interval. The current version is 1.6.

May 10 2011

Recently some one brought it to my attention that Wallflower requires the .Net Framework to run properly. In my haste to publish the program (as well as too many other distractions) I completely overlooked this fact. Judging by the error messages I recieved, Wallflower needs Microsoft .Net Version 3.0 or later to run. If you keep your Windows machine up to date than you most likely have this installed already. If not you can download .Net here. I apologize for the inconveniance and will include a .Net redistrbutable with future Wallflower releases.

April 8 2011

This morning I was notified that Wallflower had been selected as a Brothersoft Editor's Pick! Brothersoft is a great website that hosts many free programs. They will be added as a mirror in the downloads section. Please note that if you wish to view the source code you should download the *source.zip from the SourceForge mirror.

January 16 2010

Finally got around to fixing some of the minor little nitpicky things and added a new feature or two. Grab a copy from the downloads section.

September 2 2009

It's official, Version 1.5 is released! 1.5 fixes A LOT of bugs such as deleting your entire iTunes library (KIDDING!). This is a major release and all subsequent releases will be minor, mainly to fix things I may have missed. Grab a copy in the downloads section!

August 20 2009

Getting ready to release version 1.5. I did a lot of bug hunting over the past few weeks and now it's just come down to house keeping (ie, cleaning up the code and adding comments). I'm also working on this webpage.

August 14 2009

Yesterday I recieved an email from Brothersoft.com informing me that Wallflower had been published on their site. At first I was a little concerned since I had never heard of them before but upon further investigation, everything turned out to be cool. After some more Googling, I found out that Softepedia had also picked up and published Wallflower! It's been a good week!
Design by Svetaini krimas